Prepare an Active Threat Response Plan

Prepare an Active Threat Response Plan

An effective response to an active threat event requires pre-planning and role enforcement through training for employees as well as managers and executives. The training should incorporate a response to scenarios dealing with handguns, long guns, knives, bomb blasts,...
New Workplace Violence Laws

New Workplace Violence Laws

B553 – Takes effect July 1, 2024 If you have 10 or more employees, you must: Have a workplace violence prevention plan. Name specific individuals responsible for implementation of the plan. Cite methods used to implement and train employees. Have written...
More Warning Signs Missed Again

More Warning Signs Missed Again

    Once again, a mass shooting has occurred that could have been prevented. Robert Card shot and killed 18 people and wounded 13 others at a bowling alley and a bar in Lewistown, Maine, last week. A review of the shooting revealed that Card had been housed...
Can Mass Shootings Be Prevented?

Can Mass Shootings Be Prevented?

Targeted violence and mass shootings in the United States in 2023 has established record highs from January to May. During this time frame we have had 22 mass shootings resulting in four or more victims killed. One of the latest shootings occurred May 6 in Allen, an...