World-class Cybersecurity, Physical Security, Governance and Compliance.
Our Vision
Founded in 1994 by retired United States Secret Service Agent Ronald T. Williams, Talon began as a specialized high-end protective services and security consulting firm for high profile clientele. Since that time, Talon has evolved into three distinct yet complementary security entities, each providing a specialized group of services designed to meet the ever-increasing needs of its client base. Together, the three Talon Companies span the spectrum of professional security and risk management solutions to the risks and threats faced by both the public and private sectors. Talon’s single-source focused capabilities and internal client coordination system leaves no coverage gaps, making Talon Companies the premiere single-source professional security choice of discerning risk managers.
Our Mission
The Talon Companies work individually and collectively to provide the most sophisticated and personalized security expertise in the industry, covering the gamut of solutions to the risks and threats being faced by government, industry, corporations, and individuals.
Why Talon?
Talon Companies. (TALON) offers a full-spectrum of Security Training and Education Services tailored to meet the demanding and ever-changing personnel, corporate and organizational needs of businesses today and for the future. Training for Managers, Executives, and Human Resources Directors in Recognizing Threats and Handling Dysfunctional Behaviors, Identity Theft Prevention, Cybersecurity, Executive Protection, and Drug & Alcohol Awareness, is offered to Companies and Corporations to prevent unnecessary loss and liability.
Talon responds to targeted violence threats with the Secret Service methodology. A threat and the person making the threat is assessed and analyzed to determine level of dangerousness. Based on the assessment specific recommendations are made to correspond to Threat Management. A strategy is recommended to deter the person or persons from acting out. In some cases we recommend direct intervention, and armed security at a location to protect people and assets.
Talon works with Dr. Manny Tau, a licensed Forensic Psychologist, to assess threats and to manage strategies to deter a violent act from occurring.
- How to recognize and handle potential threats
- Detecting Dysfunctional Employees
- Warning Signs of Violent Behavior
- Types of Acts of Violence
- Practical Intervention Techniques
NOTE: Talon provides a corporate training program that is certified by the California Bar Association for MCLE credits in “Targeted Violence Prevention & Active Threat Response”
According to the Federal Trade Commission, Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. One in every nineteen Americans are victims of Identity Theft, and this crime increases by 80% every year. California Breach Laws legistlate compliance for Companies to protect proprietary personal information to thwart Identity Theft. Talon is prepared to train managers and executives on how to protect information and to protect against Identity Theft..
- How to protect your information
- Forms of Identity Theft or Fraud
- The mind of a con-artist
- Understanding the Scheme
- Laws to Mitigate Identity Theft
Armed with only a computer and internet access, criminals can access information systems in the United States from any physical location in the world, sabotage data by planting viruses and worms, or steal data and convert the information to fraudulent use for financial gain.
- Legislation directing compliance
- Worms & Viruses
- Information Risks
- Liability & Corporate Responsibility
- Consequences of a Cyber Attack
- Strategic Security Measures
Retail Companies lose millions of dollars every year due to internal and external theft. Our training takes a proactive approach to loss mitigation while maintaining the company’s integrity.
- Running a successful Undercover Operation
- Benefits of undercover operations
- Developing credible observation & reporting
- Investigating potential theft within legal parameters
Employers’ lax attitude towards workplace violence can leave many at risk. Recently, a 21-year-old employee opened fire on his co-workers in the break area, killing five and shooting himself. USA Today reports that every week one person is killed and 25 are seriously injured due to violent outbreaks on the job. Emergency Management System), the ODP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program, general Emergency Management principles, as well as State OES guidelines. Members of the Talon Team of Anti-Terrorism and Emergency Response Planning experts have spent significant portions of their careers analyzing and assessing threats and conducting Tabletop Exercises as Agents of the United States Secret Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as in the private sector for other state and local governmental entities.
In conducting a Tabletop Exercise, the Talon Team will outline an Exercise Plan, identifying goals and objectives and plan the execution of the exercise to meet those goals and objectives. Talon will then develop the Master Sequence of Events List (MSEL) listing key exercise events and times, projecting responses to events or other devices used to move the exercise, including the development of a threat scenario comprised of a single or multiple simulated actual attacks and/or events, indicators and warnings thereby thoroughly testing the client’s emergency response and management capabilities.
After the aforementioned extensive planning for the exercise, the Talon Team will conduct the Tabletop Exercise in accordance with the MSEL. The Team will then evaluate and analyze the data in order to compile a comprehensive After Action Report (AAR). Based upon the results of the AAR, the Talon Team of emergency planning experts will draft a Corrective Action Plan, enabling the client to expediently and effectively correct deficiencies discovered through the exercise.